The dashboards use the Flash plugin, and work best in current version browsers (The dashboards work best in Chrome; they work in Firefox and IE 9+)
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The PCADV Lethality Assessment Program Dashboard is built using iDashboards, an industry leader in business intelligence software. The following are some user tips for viewing the dashboard.
Selecting Date
To view the dashboard by various months/years, click on the drop down box at the top left of the dashboard and select the appropriate month/year. The most current data is listed first.
Selecting Geography
To view the dashboard by state or county geography, click on the dropdown box and choose Pennsylvania or one of the LAP participating counties.
After selecting date and geography, click on the update button. You will be able to see how many victims were screened and the results of their screens (please see glossary button for more information). Click on the different sections of the Danger Status pie chart to see how many victims did or did not speak with a hotline advocate. Next click on the Yes/No section of the spoke to hotline pie chart to see how many victims sought services within the criteria chosen.
To view the information for a specific police department or domestic violence program within a county, enter the date, then county and either click on police department or DV program. When you click on update, click on the agency drop down box and you can either select a specific police department or domestic violence agency within the county. Click on the police department or domestic violence agency and the page will automatically update.
Research Based Lethality Questions
The first three questions on the lethality screen appear and the victim’s responses to those questions can be viewed by either clicking on Pennsylvania or by county. By clicking on the Questions Tab, the questions and victim’s answers related to the tab will appear.
Counties can also analyze the data on how many victims answered yes, no or did not answer the eleven questions to determine trends occurring in their county. Focusing on prevailing lethality factors will make courts, prosecutors and law enforcement more aware of any issues so they can find ways to address them. For example, if a significant number of victims are answering yes to, has he/she ever tried to choke you, the county may want to consider a training on strangulation, reviewing the domestic violence protocol to ensure it includes strangulation and provide materials related to strangulation to STOP team or Task Force members. Such proactive steps will ensure that the people working with domestic violence victims are able to identify and respond to strangulation and the possibility of heightened danger for victims. This information can be viewed under the Questions 10-11 Tab.
Rollover Data
Moving the mouse over an area on the dashboard will allow the user to view the data associated with that area.
Line Charts: Placing your cursor/mouse over the bar in the chart will pop up the numbers associated with that segment.
Pie Charts: The numbers and percentages associated with the LAP question will pop up when you place your mouse/cursor over a pie slice.
Maps: Placing your mouse/cursor over a county in the map will provide you the total number of screens completed since the selected county implemented LAP.